UniLect is a full-service election provider.
UniLect Election Services specializes in SECURE by-mail Optical Scan Paper Ballot Elections and SECURE On-Site Elections. We use only proven and best-of-breed methodologies to ensure the most trustworthy elections possible. A UniLect run election provides satisfaction and peace of mind and our customers know that they are engaging a firm that delivers the highest standards in efficiency, accuracy, security and integrity. When you choose to do business with UniLect, you are choosing the very best.
UniLect’s Election Services are used in…
Officer, By-Law, Contract Ratification and Convention Delegate Elections by the California Federation of Teachers, United Nurses Association of California (UNAC/UHCP), International Brotherhood of Teamsters, IBEW, UFCW, SEIU, United Auto Workers, United Aerospace Workers, AFGE, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Motion Picture Costumers, Bricklayers, Carpenters, American Postal Workers, religious organizations and many other private member organizations that must conduct elections.
UniLect is called upon to conduct many U.S. Dept. Of Labor supervised elections for Labor Unions ordered to re-run elections related to previous election problems. UniLect also provides Inspector of Election Services for HOA Board of Director and Special Amendment Elections of all sizes.
UniLect’s Voting Systems have served well over 13.5 million registered voters and private organization members.
UniLect has never had an election overturned in its history of providing election services.
UniLect Election Services begins with a consultative approach that ensures the timelines and protocols for your election meets the requirements dictated by your bylaws and constitution, Title IV of the Labor-Management and Reporting Disclosure Act and federal election best practices.
UniLect will conduct a thorough review of your organization’s Bylaws and Constitution, and any Election Rules in place. All requirements and parameters regarding your election will be rigorously adhered to. A UniLect run election is in strict compliance with Title IV of the Labor-Management and Reporting Disclosure Act’s rules and regulations, the Davis-Stirling Act and federal election law best practices.
UniLect will conduct a thorough review of your organization’s Bylaws and Constitution, and any Election Rules in place. All requirements and parameters regarding your election will be rigorously adhered to. A UniLect run election is in strict compliance with Title IV of the Labor-Management and Reporting Disclosure Act’s rules and regulations, the Davis-Stirling Act and federal election law best practices.
UniLect is so confident in our services, technology, process and protocols that should an election be challenged for causes under UniLect’s direct control, we will defend the results of that election to the appropriate governing body at our own expense. This is our commitment that we include with every election project that we manage.
The UniLect Corporation is a nationally recognized leader of superior election management services.
Since 1989, UniLect has served well over 13.5 million registered voters and private organization members as an impartial, third party election services authority. Our outstanding team of professional election experts have been catering to the needs of administrators and officers in both the public and private sector with proven, state-of-the-art, voting technology and balloting services. UniLect’s Election Staff has worked in the elections industry as representatives, senior management, founders and corporate officers for such election services and products pioneers as IBM, Business Records Corporation (BRC), and Computer Election Systems (CES). UniLect’s key personnel have conducted and supported elections of all sizes and complexities from small to large elections, to very large projects in which over 5 million registered voters were served.
With over 150 years of combined professional election expertise and a track record of accuracy and integrity second to none, UniLect’s depth of experience is unmatched in the marketplace.